
About Grindcraft


Game of crafting is called Grindcraft. To play this game, you really need to utilize your imagination! The wise utilization of several resources is required. Can you rival the finest craftspeople?

To play this game, all you need is your creativity! In this game that was influenced by Minecraft, you have to create the tools and objects yourself. On the right side of the screen, there are several tools and goods. To construct useful goods, you first need to gather some basic ingredients. You can view the tools you need by gliding your cursor over the icons. Click on them to gather them on the left side of the screen. Only the overworld area is initially accessible to gather the things; as you advance through the game, more places will become reachable. You may harvest wood in the overworld to build planks, and you can then use these planks to make sticks and your first tools. You can create weapons by mining stone, and you can unlock new equipment by defeating adversaries. You will be able to obtain additional achievements as you discover and produce new products. Never neglect to glance at your successes at the bottom left corner of the screen. Congratulations on your works!

How to play

To play, simply click the mouse.