
About Dangerous Danny


Become the best diver in Dangerous Danny. Collect diving aids, upgrade them to dive for longer time and kill sea creatures and collect giant creatures.

Be the best diver in Dangerous Danny

Danny is a novice swimmer and he aspires to practice swimming every day so that he can become the best roller skater. His goal is to dive to a depth of more than 1500m and collect giant creatures on the ocean floor. That giant creature is still a mystery.

You will enter a series of training days to become the best diver. Starting with an unassisted body, you will have to manually swim to find items that can assist you in swimming such as swimwear, oxygen tanks, recovery potions, spears and luck. Swim deep to collect them, then use money to upgrade items to better support you.

When swimming into the ocean, you will encounter sea creatures such as fish, killer whales, sharks, ect. Instead of staying away from them, use spears to kill them when they get in your way or threaten to attack you.

Earn a lot of money to be able and kill many creatures in the sea, use the money to upgrade the equipment to support you will help you overcome many obstacles. Reaching the heights of an ordinary diver cannot do. The mysterious creature is still a mystery, collect it and show off your achievements to everyone.

How to move

Move with arrow keys